Just went on a quick escape from Santiago to the North of Chile and Uyuni in Bolivia. I had been there about 7 years ago but the sites are so incredibly amazing that I had to see it again. Here is a small sample of what it was like.

Atacama Desert

Valley of the Moon

Gaysers in Bolivia

Red Lagoon


Fish Island in the Uyuni Salt Flats

My dream come true! A salt house surrounded by salt!

Snow in the desert at the boarder of Bolivia and Chile
Uyuni is the place I would like to go before I die.
Stars are reflecting in the small pond right? Up and down with stars. Middle of heaven and silence.
wow, that pic almost makes the border of Bolivia and Chile look dreamy! rather than like hell on earth. just kidding, it's not really (but it was that day!). great pics, can't wait to see more!
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